Thursday, July 17, 2014

Let's Talk Green Tea

This green tea (or Matcha: which just means green tea powder) Swiss roll from Arome Bakery lived to its hype. The light tones of bitterness from the green tea balanced out the strong flavour of the cream cheese. The cake itself was soft and spongy, but not to the point where it just collapses and falls right off your fork before it's in your mouth (no one likes a tease). Most importantly, you can actually taste the green tea and not think that you're just eating green food dye.

The choice to not use red-beans was a wise decision. Although green tea and red beans complement each other really well, I personally feel that it would be too much for the delicate interracial marriage between the green tea and the cream cheese. The sweetness from the red beans and the rich flavour of the cream cheese would undeniably overpower the green tea's subtle aroma.

It's worth a try if you have sweet tooth like me. Also you get to taste two cultures for one-total bargain.

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